We established "Program Management Committee" to manage R & D programs, assess investment returns and explore a new way of industrialization of new technology. Centering around R & D program management and assessment of investment returns, we have established a market-oriented company operating system with Clear power-responsibility, Supervision and restriction, Performance evaluation, and Innovation coordinating harmonically. This system enhances the efficacy of allocation of human resources, capital, technology, etc.
innovation in technological commercialization According to the operating characteristics of market exploration, implement marketing of intangible capital and promote the main transaction mode ---- capitalization of technological transformation. How does it run? Purpose: create intangible assets and maximize its benefits Methods: take advantage of our original technologies Transfer shares, To be issued and listed on the GEM, Charge transfer fees, equity dividends, OEM licensing…
innovation in structure Flexible integration of elements of program management and implementation of the matrix organizational structure: centering around R & D, construct a flat organizational structure which rules over R & D, clinical study, quality control, human resource, risk control, finance, marketing.
innovation in incentive Establish HR management system in line with the characteristics of modern high-tech enterprise: Cost-centric labor management Multi-tollgate performance appraisal system Combined Incentive Program in the form of option share and Stock Appreciation Supervision and restriction Career management and complete training plan
risk management We established a "Risk Control Committee" to implement a comprehensive risk management.